On September 11, 2022, An Tin Inter-Transport Joint Stock Company (An Tin Logistics) participated in a traffic law propaganda session, organized by Traffic Police Team No. 2, under the Traffic Police Department of the Provincial Public Security, Hai Duong province.

Drivers of An Tin Logistics listen attentively to traffic safety propaganda

Present at the propaganda session, more than 100 container drivers and trailers from An Tin Logistics participated and listened attentively to capture and update the situation of traffic accidents (traffic accidents) as quickly as possible. ) on the whole country in general, and Hai Duong province in particular.

Traffic Police Team No. 2 propagates about the Regulations of the Road Traffic Law

Also in the propaganda session, the drivers of An Tin Logistics listened to propaganda about the provisions of the Road Traffic Law, the basic causes leading to traffic accidents, and how to prevent and minimize accidents when participating in traffic. traffic, especially traffic accidents related to container trucks and trailers.

The whole propaganda session

As an enterprise operating in the field of freight forwarding, An Tin Logistics always actively cultivates knowledge about traffic safety and is always aware of the professional ethics of drivers when voluntarily complying and fully updating. regularly enough regulations to prevent and minimize traffic accidents.

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(+84) 93 4305 186


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